Announcement View
Company AS Harju Elekter Group
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 05 Jul 2022 08:00:00 +0300
Kell English
Title Swedish subsidiary of Harju Elekter signed a new contract with Region Stockholm for the upgrading of the metro station
The Swedish subsidiary of Harju Elekter Group, Harju Elekter AB, signed
electricity project contract with Region Stockholm, the administrative body
responsible for public transport. This contract will serve as the basis for the
upgrading of the rectifier station of the Odenplan metro station by February
2024. The approximate volume of the contract is 1.7 million euros.

The new project of Harju Elekter with Region Stockholm, which manages the
Stockholm metro, represents the continuation of cooperation that already started
with the modernisation of the Slussen
en) metro
en) in autumn 2020 and Albano and
en) metro stations
en) in spring 2021.

Harju Elekter is an international industrial group with more than 50 years of
experience, whose main activity is the development and production of electrical
and automation equipment. Part of the technical solutions of Harju Elekter are
aimed at the renewable energy sector, offering complete plans for solar power
plants, electric vehicle charging stations, and other related solutions. Its
factories in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, and Lithuania employ approximately 900
employees, and the Group's revenue for Q1 2022 was 37.3 million euros. The
shares of Harju Elekter are listed on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.

Marit Tack
Corporate Communications Manager
+372 5340 8444
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