Announcement View
Company EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS
Type Company Release
Category Half-yearly financial report
Publicize date 08 Aug 2024 08:05:00 +0300
Kell English
Title EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for 2nd quarter and I half-year of 2024
EfTEN  United Property Fund (hereinafter the  Fund) earned 307 thousand euros in
net profit in the second quarter of 2024 (2023 second quarter: 37 thousand euros
in  net  loss).  The  fund's  revenues  increased  from 8 thousand euros to 355
thousand  euros during the year. During the  I half of 2024 the Fund earned 401
thousand euros in net profit (2023 I half: 71 thousand euros net loss).

The   Fund's   assets  amounted  to  26,411 thousand  euros  as  of  30.06.2024
(31.12.2023:  26,259 thousand  euros),  of  which  long-term investments make up
70.0% as of the end of June 2024 (31.12.2023: 68.6%).

In  the  II  quarter  of  2024, the  Baltics'  real  estate  market continued to
stabilize  and the first signs of  an increase in transaction activity appeared.
Above  all, this  is due  to the  decrease in  euro interest  rates (the 6-month
EURIBOR  fell by almost  20 basis points in  half a year),  which has after many
years started to reduce again the cost of debt in the sector.

The  increasing activity is most clearly  visible in the residential real estate
sector,  where in the second quarter a record number of new sales contracts were
signed  at  the  Uus-Järveküla  development  project  financed  by  EfTEN United
Property Fund. As of the end of June, almost 60% of the final development volume
of  the residential area has been purchased  or booked by customers. At the same
time,  the construction  market is  still fairly  quiet, and  there is currently
little  pressure  on  construction  costs.  This  made  enabled  under favorable
conditions  to  start  the  development  of  the  third stage in the residential
district  of Uus-Järveküla at the end of  the first half of the year. Altogether
18 terraced houses will be built during the third stage.

Although  transaction  activity  in  the  commercial real estate segment remains
relatively  low, some signs of  recovery can be seen  there as well. Owners have
started  to  adjust  their  sales  price  expectations downwards compared to the
period of a few years ago, which should increase the market activity further. In
such  an environment, EfTEN United Property Fund  aims to invest the majority of
the  portfolio in commercial cash-flow generating real estate in the second half
of  2024. In addition, the  fund plans to  make a second  distribution this year
from the income received from underlying funds and interest.

Statement of the comprehensive income

                                                         |   2nd    |          |
                                                         | quarter  | 6 months |
                                                         |2024|2023 |2024|2023 |
|EUR thousand                                              |    |     |    |     |
|INCOME                                                  |    |     |    |     |
|Interest income                                         | 159|  135| 310|  241|
|Dividend income                                         | 238|  329| 260|  352|
|Other financial income                                  |   0|    0|   5|    0|
|Net profit / loss from assets recognised in fair value  |    |     |    |     |
|through profit or loss                                  | -42| -456| -65| -529|
|   Investments in subsidiaries                          |   8| -104|-140|  -76|
|   Investments in funds                                 | -50| -352|  75| -453|
|Total income                                            | 355|    8| 510|   64|
|                                                        |    |     |    |     |
|COSTS                                                   |    |     |    |     |
|Operating expenses                                      |    |     |    |     |
|   Management fee                                       | -28|  -27| -56|  -54|
|   Costs of administering the Fund                      | -10|   -6| -16|  -18|
|   Other operating expenses                             | -10|  -12| -37|  -63|
|Total operating expenses                                | -48|  -45|-109| -135|
|                                                        |    |     |    |     |
|Profit / loss for the period                            | 307|  -37| 401|  -71|
|Total profit / loss for the period                      | 307|  -37| 401|  -71|
|                                                        |    |     |    |     |
|Ordinary and diluted earnings / loss per share (EUR)    |0,12|-0,01|0,16|-0,03|

Statement of financial position

|EUR thousand                                              |          |          |
|ASSETS                                                  |          |          |
|Current assets                                          |          |          |
|Cash and cash equivalents                               |     5 500|     5 731|
|Short-term deposits                                     |     1 563|     1 795|
|Other receivables and accrued income                    |       862|       711|
|Total current assets                                    |     7 925|     8 237|
|                                                        |          |          |
|Non-current assets                                      |          |          |
|Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss   |    12 818|    12 354|
|  Investments in subsidiaries                           |       914|     1 054|
|  Real estate funds                                     |    11 904|    11 300|
|Loans granted                                           |     5 668|     5 668|
|Total non-current assets                                |    18 486     18 022
|TOTAL ASSETS                                            |    26 411|    26 259|
|                                                        |          |          |
|LIABILITIES                                             |          |          |
|Current liabilities                                     |        13|         3|
|Total liabilities, excluding net asset value of the fund|          |          |
|attributable to shareholders                            |        13|         3|
|                                                        |          |          |
|NET ASSET VALUE OF THE FUND                             |          |          |
|Net asset value of the fund attributable to shareholders|    26 398|    26 256|
|Total liabilities and net asset value of the fund       |          |          |
|attributable to shareholders                            |    26 411|    26 259|

The  unaudited 2(nd) quarter  and I  half-year 2024 report  of the  EfTEN United
Property Fund is attached to the release and can be found on the Fund's website:

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (