Announcement View
Company Liven AS
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 26 Jul 2024 12:45:00 +0300
Kell English
Title A one-time reminder to Liven AS green bond investors
A  one-time reminder and information for  Estonian resident individuals who have
purchased or intend to purchase in the future Liven AS green bonds (LVNB105028A;
ISIN:  EE3300004332) through  an investment  account with  the wish to defer the
income  tax liability according to the Income Tax Act and receive a full payment
of the bond interest to the investment account.

Investors who have so far not yet informed the issuer of their wish to do so are
kindly  requested  to  fill  in  and  submit  the application form (link to form
(  at  least  10 working  days  before  the
interest  payment  date.  Applications  submitted  later  can only be taken into
account from the next interest payment date onward.

The  bond's interest payment  dates are 23 August,  23 November, 23 February and
23 May.  Considering  the  interest  payment  date  in  August  2024, the latest
application submission date is 8 August.

Joonas Joost
Liven AS CFO