Announcement View
Company AS Tallink Grupp
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 03 Jul 2024 09:09:31 +0300
2024 June and Q2 ENG.pdf
2024 juuni ja IIkv EST.pdf
Kell English
Title Repeat: AS Tallink Grupp statistics for June 2024 and Q2 2024
In June 2024 AS Tallink Grupp transported 570,803 passengers, which is a 3.7%
decrease compared to June 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 8.5% to
25,383 units and the number of passenger vehicles decreased by 9.8% to 86,651
units in the same comparison.

In  the  second  quarter  of  2024 (April-June)  AS  Tallink  Grupp  transported
1,451,768 passengers,  which is  a 5.8% decrease  compared to  the same period a
year  ago. The number of  cargo units increased by  1.7% to 86,813 units and the
number  of passenger  vehicles decreased  by 11.4% to  209,760 units in the same

AS  Tallink Grupp passenger, cargo unit  and passenger vehicles numbers for June
2024 and the second quarter of the year were the following:

                    June 2024 June 2023 Change   Q2 2024   Q2 2023 Change
 Passengers           570,803   592,887  -3.7% 1,451,768 1,541,081  -5.8%

 Finland-Sweden       154,413   182,237 -15.3%   355,435   449,886 -21.0%

 Estonia-Finland      336,430   348,053  -3.3%   922,357   921,353   0.1%

 Estonia-Sweden        79,960    62,597  27.7%   173,976   169,842   2.4%

 Cargo Units           25,383    27,738  -8.5%    86,813    85,359   1.7%

 Finland-Sweden         3,479     3,717  -6.4%    11,379    10,696   6.4%

 Estonia-Finland       18,252    19,945  -8.5%    64,586    61,261   5.4%

 Estonia-Sweden         3,652     4,076 -10.4%    10,848    13,402 -19.1%

 Passenger Vehicles    86,651    96,086  -9.8%   209,760   236,756 -11.4%

 Finland-Sweden         9,050    12,587 -28.1%    17,109    23,598 -27.5%

 Estonia-Finland       73,271    79,982  -8.4%   184,496   205,283 -10.1%

 Estonia-Sweden         4,330     3,517  23.1%     8,155     7,875   3.6%


The second quarter Finland-Sweden results reflect the operation of the Helsinki-
Stockholm  and the Turku-Stockholm  route. The cruise  ferry Baltic Princess did
not operate on the route for 2 days due to scheduled maintenance.

The second quarter Estonia-Finland results reflect the operations of the shuttle
services  of MyStar and  Megastar as well  as the operation  of the cruise ferry
Victoria  I that started operating the cruise service from 12 October 2023. From
31 May  2024, the  cruise  ferry  Victoria  I is operating the Tallinn-Stockholm
route.  The shuttle  vessel James  Joyce (formerly  Star) stopped  operating the
route in May 2023 due to long-term charter agreement.

The second quarter Estonia-Sweden results reflect the operations of the Tallinn-
Stockholm  and the Paldiski-Kapellskär routes by  one cruise ferry and two cargo
vessels  until 31 May 2024. The  cruise ferry Victoria  I that was  added to the
Tallinn-Stockholm  route on 31 May  will be operating  the route until 31 August
2024. In  addition  to  Tallinn-Stockholm  route  the  cruise  ferry  Victoria I
operated a special cruise to Gotland in June.

Anneli Simm
Investor relations manager

AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn