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Company AS Tallink Grupp
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 03 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0300
2024 June and Q2 ENG.pdf
2024 juuni ja IIkv EST.pdf
Kell English
Title AS Tallink Grupp statistics for June 2024 and Q2 2024
In June 2024 AS Tallink Grupp transported 570,803 passengers, which is a 3.7%
decrease compared to June 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 8.5% to
25,383 units and the number of passenger vehicles decreased by 9.8% to 86,651
units in the same comparison.

In  the  second  quarter  of  2024 (April-June)  AS  Tallink  Grupp  transported
1,451,768 passengers,  which is  a 5.8% decrease  compared to  the same period a
year  ago. The number of  cargo units increased by  1.7% to 86,813 units and the
number  of passenger  vehicles decreased  by 11.4% to  209,760 units in the same

AS  Tallink Grupp passenger, cargo unit  and passenger vehicles numbers for June
2024 and the second quarter of the year were the following:

                    June 2024 June 2023 Change   Q2 2024   Q2 2023 Change
 Passengers           570,803   592,887  -3.7% 1,451,768 1,541,081  -5.8%

 Finland-Sweden       154,413   182,237 -15.3%   355,435   449,886 -21.0%

 Estonia-Finland      336,430   348,053  -3.3%   922,357   921,353   0.1%

 Estonia-Sweden        79,960    62,597  27.7%   173,976   169,842   2.4%

 Cargo Units           25,383    27,738  -8.5%    86,813    85,359   1.7%

 Finland-Sweden         3,479     3,717  -6.4%    11,379    10,696   6.4%

 Estonia-Finland       18,252    19,945  -8.5%    64,586    61,261   5.4%

 Estonia-Sweden         3,652     4,076 -10.4%    10,848    13,402 -19.1%

 Passenger Vehicles    86,651    96,086  -9.8%   209,760   236,756 -11.4%

 Finland-Sweden         9,050    12,587 -28.1%    17,109    23,598 -27.5%

 Estonia-Finland       73,271    79,982  -8.4%   184,496   205,283 -10.1%

 Estonia-Sweden         4,330     3,517  23.1%     8,155     7,875   3.6%


The second quarter Finland-Sweden results reflect the operation of the Helsinki-
Stockholm  and the Turku-Stockholm  route. The cruise  ferry Baltic Princess did
not operate on the route for 2 days due to scheduled maintenance.

The second quarter Estonia-Finland results reflect the operations of the shuttle
services  of MyStar and  Megastar as well  as the operation  of the cruise ferry
Victoria  I that started operating the cruise service from 12 October 2023. From
31 May  2024, the  cruise  ferry  Victoria  I is operating the Tallinn-Stockholm
route.  The shuttle  vessel James  Joyce (formerly  Star) stopped  operating the
route in May 2023 due to long-term charter agreement.

The second quarter Estonia-Sweden results reflect the operations of the Tallinn-
Stockholm  and the Paldiski-Kapellskär routes by  one cruise ferry and two cargo
vessels  until 31 May 2024. The  cruise ferry Victoria  I that was  added to the
Tallinn-Stockholm  route on 31 May  will be operating  the route until 31 August
2024. In  addition  to  Tallinn-Stockholm  route  the  cruise  ferry  Victoria I
operated a special cruise to Gotland in June.

Anneli Simm
Investor relations manager

AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn