Announcement View
Company Enefit Green AS
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 28 Jun 2024 15:55:00 +0300
Kell English
Title Enefit Green Signs Loan Agreement Amendment with Swedbank
Enefit Green has signed an amendment to its loan agreement with Swedbank,
originally taken out on 28 December 2022 for 50 million euros. According to the
revised terms, the loan amount will increase to 100 million euros. Additionally,
the loan maturity has been extended to December 2028.

This amendment significantly improves Enefit Green's liquidity position and
allows the continuation of the ongoing investment program. The additional loan
funds will be used for the development of wind and solar parks, as well as
storage solutions and general corporate purposes.

Further information:
Kadri Korsten
Head of Communication
+372 53 43 9739

Enefit Green is one of the leading renewable energy producers in the Baltic Sea
area. The Company operates wind farms in Estonia and Lithuania, waste-to-energy
CHP plant in Estonia, solar farms in Estonia and Poland and a hydroelectric
plant in Estonia. In addition, the Company is developing several wind and solar
farms in the mentioned countries, Latvia and Finland. As of the end of 2023, the
Company had a total installed electricity production capacity of 515 MW and a
total installed heat production capacity of 50 MW. During 2023, the Company
produced 1,343 GWh of electricity, 604 GWh of heat energy and 156 thousand
tonnes of wood pellets. In the end of 2023, Enefit Green exited the biomass
based CHP and pellet production businesses.