Announcement View
Company AS Ekspress Grupp
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 21 May 2024 16:30:00 +0300
Kell English
Title AS Ekspress Grupp submitted a merger control notification
According                    to                   the                   decision
en)  of  the  Lithuanian  Competition  Council of December 22, 2023, AS Ekspress
Grupp  submitted  a  merger  control  notification to the Lithuanian Competition
Council  in  connection  with  the  acquisition  of  UAB  Lrytas. The Lithuanian
Competition Council started the merger control procedure on May 15, 2024.

At  the  end  of  2022, AS  Ekspress  Grupp  and  the  publisher  of the largest
Lithuanian     newspaper    UAB    "Lietuvos    rytas"    signed    an agreement
XnkTOrqxpbUMkFBiomprshR0yXnL0V3AnZw7mNCDFCny1TvxV5VV-6w=) to acquire 100% shares
of  UAB "Lrytas", a subsidiary that  publishes the online news portal
Founded  in 2006,  is a  Lithuanian news  portal that delivers news in
Lithuanian and English languages.

Additional information
Mari-Liis Rüütsalu
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 512 2591

AS Ekspress Grupp is the leading Baltic media group whose key activities include
web media content production, and publishing of newspapers, magazines and books.
The Group also operates an electronic ticket sales platform and ticket sales
offices and offers outdoor screen service in Estonia and Latvia. Ekspress Grupp
launched its operations in 1989 and employs almost 1100 people.