Announcement View
Company AS Ekspress Grupp
Type Company Release
Category Issue of new shares
Publicize date 21 May 2024 09:30:00 +0300
Kell English
Title The increase of the share capital related to the option programme, is entered in the Commercial Register
The supervisory board of AS Ekspress Grupp decided on 2 May 2024 to increase the
share  capital  of  the  company  by  97,500.60 euros for the realisation of the
option    programme    (information    on    which    can    be    found    here

The  increase of the share  capital and issue of  new shares was directed to the
option  holders, who have subscribed for  all 162,501 issued shares on time. The
share   capital  increase  has  been  entered  in  the  Commercial  Register  on
20.05.2024. The  new share capital of  AS Ekspress Grupp is 18,575,605.20 euros,
which  is divided into 30,959,342 shares with the nominal value of 0.6 euros per

AS  Ekspress Grupp  has submitted  an application  for listing  and admission to
trading  of the new shares on Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange and has informed the
stock  exchange  of  the  entry  of  the  increase  of  the share capital in the
Commercial Register on 21.05.2024.

Additional information
Argo Rannamets
AS Ekspress Grupp
Group CFO

AS Ekspress Grupp is the leading Baltic media group whose key activities include
web media content production, and publishing of newspapers, magazines and books.
The Group also operates an electronic ticket sales platform and ticket sales
offices and offers outdoor screen service in Estonia and Latvia. Ekspress Grupp
launched its operations in 1989 and employs almost 1,100 people.