Announcement View
Company AS Pro Kapital Grupp
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 20 May 2024 10:52:00 +0300
Kell English
Title Start of construction work on the Uus-Kindrali
Start of construction work on the Uus-Kindrali

Pro  Kapital has  started the  construction of  the next  phase of  the Kindrali
Houses project in Tallinn Kristiine City. The building at Talli 3/Sammu 8, which
is  part  of  the  Uus-Kindrali  project,  will  comprise  90 apartments and one
commercial unit.

The  new phase of Kindrali Houses will  consist of a 7-storey building with 1-5
bedroom  apartments. To date, 31% of the  apartments have already been pre-sold,
which was the incentive to start construction work.

Uus-Kindrali,  with its modern  and Scandinavian architecture,  will be built in
Kristiine City and will be framed by a tree-lined avenue and Brooklyn-style high
ground floor homes and commercial space opening directly onto the street. On the
other side, between the buildings is a spacious and private courtyard with fruit
trees,  berry bushes, cozy seating and play areas, offering joy and activity for

The  architects of the  buildings and landscape  of the Uus-Kindrali is Allianss
Arhitektid OÜ, led by lead architect Indrek Tiigi, and the interior architect is
Galina Burnakova.

Andrus Laurits
General Manager
Phone: +372 614 4920
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