Announcement View
Company AS Silvano Fashion Group
Type Company Release
Category Other corporate action
Publicize date 18 May 2024 23:59:00 +0300
SFG consolidated interim financial report for Q1 of 2024 unaudited.pdf
SFG 2024.a. I kvartali konsolideeritud vahearuanne auditeerimata.pdf
Kell English
Title Silvano Fashion Group Consolidated Interim Financial Report for Q1 of 2024 (unaudited)
Silvano Fashion Group Consolidated Interim Financial Report for Q1 of 2024

Selected Financial Indicators

Summarized selected financial indicators of the Group for Q1 of 2024 compared to
Q1 of 2023 and 31.03.2024 compared to 31.12.2023 were as follows:

 in thousands of EUR                                  Q1 2024    Q1 2023 Change
 Revenue                                               13 904     14 141  -1.7%

 Gross Profit                                           7 789      8 124  -4.1%

 Operating profit                                       3 548      3 963 -10.5%

 EBITDA                                                 4 298      4 761  -9.7%

 Net profit for the period                              2 916      1 867  56.2%

 Net profit attributable equity holders of the
 Parent company                                         2 554      1 616  58.0%

 Earnings per share (EUR)                                0.07       0.04  75.0%

 Operating cash flow for the period                     1 753      4 133 -57.6%

 in thousands of EUR                               31.03.2024 31.12.2023 Change
 Total assets                                          78 038     72 252   8.0%

 Total current assets                                  65 157     59 395   9.7%

 Total equity attributable to equity holders of
 the Parent company                                    56 384     54 120   4.2%

 Cash and cash equivalents                             37 505     32 878  14.1%

 Margin analysis, %                                   Q1 2024    Q1 2023 Change
 Gross profit                                            56.0       57.4  -2.4%

 Operating profit                                        25.5       28.0  -8.9%

 EBITDA                                                  30.9       33.7  -8.3%

 Net profit                                              21.0       13.2  59.1%

 Net profit attributable to equity holders of the
 Parent company                                          18.4       11.4  61.4%

 Financial ratios, %                               31.03.2024 31.12.2023 Change
 ROA                                                     15.2       14.5   4.8%

 ROE                                                     20.9       20.2   3.5%

 Price to earnings ratio (P/E)                            3.7        4.1  -9.8%

 Current ratio                                            4.7        5.8 -19.0%

 Quick ratio                                              3.0        3.4 -11.8%

Financial performance

The Group`s sales amounted 13 904 thousand EUR during Q1 of 2024, representing a
1.7% decrease  as compared to the same  period of previous year. Overall, retail
decreased by 5.1%, measured in EUR.

The  Group's gross profit  during Q1 of  2024 amounted to 7 789 thousand EUR and
decrease  by 4.1% compared to previous year. The gross margin during Q1 of 2024
decreased  by 2.4% compared to Q1  of 2023. The cost of  sold goods increased by

Consolidated  operating profit  for Q1  of 2024 amounted  to 3 548 thousand EUR,
compared   to   3 963 thousand  EUR  for  Q1  of  2023, decrease  by  10.5%. The
consolidated  operating profit margin was 25.5% for  Q1 of 2024 (28.0% for Q1 of
2023). Consolidated  EBITDA  for  Q1  of  2024 decreased by 9.7% and amounted to
4 298 thousand  EUR,  which  is  30.9% in  margin  terms (4 761 thousand EUR and
33.7% for Q1 of 2023).

Reported  consolidated net profit  attributable to equity  holders of the Parent
company for Q1 of 2024 amounted to    2 554 thousand EUR, compared to net profit
of  1 616 thousand EUR for Q1 of  2023, net profit margin attributable to equity
holders of the Parent company for Q1 of 2024 was 18.4% against net profit 11.4%
for Q1 of 2023.

Financial position

As   of  31 March  2024 consolidated  assets  amounted  to  78 038 thousand  EUR
representing  increase by  8.0% as compared  to the  position as  of 31 December

Trade  and other  receivables increased  by 925 thousand  EUR as compared to 31
December  2023 and amounted to         2 279 thousand EUR as  of 31 March 2024.
Inventory  balance increased by 91 thousand  EUR and amounted to 24 031 thousand
EUR as of 31 March 2024.

Equity  attributable to equity holders of the Parent company increased by 2 264
thousand  EUR  and  amounted  to              56 384 thousand EUR as of 31 March
2024. Current liabilities increased by 3 473 thousand EUR during Q1 of 2024.


During  Q1 of  2024 the Group's  investments into  property, plant and equipment
totalled  278 thousand  EUR,  in  previous  year  same  period 314 thousand EUR.
Investments  were made  mainly into  opening and  renovating own stores, as well
into  equipment  and  facilities  to  maintain  effective  production for future


As of 31 March 2024, the Group employed 1 650 employees, including 518 people in
retail   operations.   The   rest   were   employed  in  production,  wholesale,
administration and support operations. In 31.12.2023 there were 1 626 employees,
including 500 people in retail operations.

Total  salaries and related  taxes during Q1  of 2024 amounted to 3 509 thousand
EUR  ( 3 492 thousand EUR in Q1 2023). The remuneration of key management of the
Group,  including the key executives  of all subsidiaries, totalled 163 thousand

Decisions made by governing bodies during 04 months 2024

On the 19th of March 2024, the AS Silvano Fashion Group proposed to the
shareholders to adopt the resolution of the extraordinary general meeting of
shareholders stated below without convening the meeting.

The notice of the general meeting was published on March 19, 2024, in the
information system NASDAQ OMX
4YqcPOJyPOWLJMrkYiq6TDFPJibJw7czYX7RPKEE_RjYTlIEy53Q3C9) and Warsaw Stock
Exchange, on the website of
Eu07QP177hE3Y-4zVgjtpMjeWYnW16KsmZeLxu8BRL9lz4i87XPoAkzQg==)  and in the daily
newspaper Eesti Päevaleht.

On April 9, 2024 Silvano Fashion Group Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders
adopted the following decisions:

1.1. To appoint the auditing company Ernst & Young Baltic AS (registry code
10877299, located at Rävala puiestee 4, 10143 Tallinn) as the auditor of AS
Silvano Fashion Group;

1.2. To authorize the Management Board of AS Silvano Fashion Group to enter into
an audit service agreement with the auditing company AS Ernst & Young Baltic for
auditing the economic activities of AS Silvano Fashion Group 2023.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

 in thousands of EUR                                 Note 31.03.2024 31.12.2023
                                                           Unaudited    Audited


 Current assets

 Cash and cash equivalents                            2       37 505     32 878

 Trade and other receivables                          3        2 279      1 354

 Prepayments and other tax receivables                3        1 233      1 115

 Current loans granted                                            20         29

 Other assets                                                     89         79

 Inventories                                          4       24 031     23 940

 Total current assets                                         65 157     59 395

 Non-current assets

 Non-current receivables                                         283        292

 Investments in associates                                       102         85

 Investments in other shares                                     215        213

 Deferred tax asset                                            2 256      2 155

 Intangible assets                                               583        579

 Investment property                                             887        899

 Property, plant and equipment                        5        8 555      8 634

 Total non-current assets                                     12 881     12 857

 TOTAL ASSETS                                                 78 038     72 252


 Current liabilities

 Current borrowings                                            4 003          0

 Current lease liabilities                            6        1 735      2 162

 Trade and other payables                                      5 556      7 377

 Tax liabilities                                               2 465        747

 Total current liabilities                                    13 759     10 286

 Non-current liabilities

 Deferred tax liability                                          746        736

 Non-current lease liabilities                                 4 596      4 321

 Non-current provisions                                           46         46

 Total non-current liabilities                                 5 388      5 103

 Total liabilities                                            19 147     15 389


 Share capital                                        7        3 600      3 600

 Share premium                                                 4 967      4 967

 Statutory reserve capital                                     1 306      1 306

 Unrealised exchange rate differences                        -20 292    -20 002

 Retained earnings                                            66 803     64 249

 Total equity attributable to equity holders of the
 Parent company                                               56 384     54 120

 Non-controlling interest                                      2 507      2 743

 Total equity                                                 58 891     56 863

 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                 78 038     72 252

Consolidated Income Statement

 in thousands of EUR                                   Note  1Q 2024   1Q 2023
                                                            Unaudited Unaudited

 Revenue from contracts with customers                  9      13 904    14 141

 Cost of goods sold                                            -6 115    -6 017

 Gross Profit                                                   7 789     8 124

 Distribution expenses                                         -2 772    -2 779

 Administrative expenses                                       -1 263    -1 186

 Other operating income                                            48        57

 Other operating expenses                                        -254      -253

 Operating profit                                               3 548     3 963

 Currency exchange income/(expense)                               -51    -1 099

 Other finance income/(expenses)                                  128      -156

 Net finance income                                                77    -1 255

 Profit (loss) from associates using equity method                 16         4

 Profit before tax                                              3 641     2 712

 Income tax expense                                              -725      -845

 Profit for the period                                          2 916     1 867

 Attributable to :

    Equity holders of the Parent company                        2 554     1 616

    Non-controlling interest                                      362       251

 Earnings per share from profit attributable to equity
 holders of the Parent company, both basic and diluted
 (EUR)                                                  8        0,07      0,04

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

 in thousands of EUR                                   Note   1Q 2024   1Q 2023
                                                            Unaudited Unaudited

 Profit for the period                                          2 916     1 867

 Other comprehensive income (loss) that will be
 reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods:

 Exchange differences on translation of foreign
 operations                                                      -264      -760

 Total other comprehensive income for the period                 -264      -760

 Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period               2 652     1 107

 Attributable to :

    Equity holders of the Parent company                        2 264       583

    Non-controlling interest                                      388       524

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

 in thousands of EUR                                   Note  1Q 2024   1Q 2023
                                                            Unaudited Unaudited

 Cash flow from operating activities

 Profit for the period                                          2 916     1 867

 Adjustments for:

   Depreciation and amortization of non-current assets            750       798

   Share of profit of equity accounted investees                  -16        -4

   Gains/Losses on the sale of property, plant and
 equipment                                                          8         2

   Net finance income / costs                                     -77     1 255

   Provision for impairment losses on trade
 receivables                                                        0        -1

   Provision for inventories                                        0         1

   Income tax expense                                             725       845

 Change in inventories                                            -91       648

 Change in trade and other receivables                           -925      -595

 Change in trade and other payables                            -1 148      -282

 Income tax paid                                                 -389      -401

 Net cash flow from operating activities                        1 753     4 133

 Cash flow from investing activities

 Interest received                                                319        23

 Dividends received                                                 8        11

 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and
 equipment                                                         12         2

 Loans granted                                                      0       -13

 Proceeds from repayments of loans granted                          9         0

 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                    -278      -314

 Acquisition of intangible assets                                 -12       -53

 Net cash flow from investing activities                           58      -344

 Cash flow from financing activities

 Proceeds from borrowings                                       4 003         0

 Payment of principal portion of lease liabilities               -495      -518

 Interest paid on lease liabilities                              -195      -190

 Dividends paid                                                  -624         0

 Net cash flow from financing activities                        2 689      -708

 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      4 500     3 081

 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period     2    32 878    25 909

 Effect of translation to presentation currency                   189    -1 629

 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held                -62       212

 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period           2    37 505    27 573

AS Silvano Fashion Group
Phone: +372 6845 000